It is easy to be grateful for the big moments in life; the ones that make you cry tears of joy or fill your soul with pride. These moments are snapshots in time that replay in our minds as part of our life story. I spent most of my 30’s waiting for my next big moment. I had no idea what that was going to be…a promotion, a life change…something, anything. I made good choices for the most part, I had an unwavering forward direction in my career, but I was forever waiting for something to be grateful for. It was a recipe for unhappiness. I decided to make a bold move, like literally moved, from Chicago to Texas. I needed to create an earthquake in my life in order to shift the ground beneath me. My path to true happiness wasn’t easy. It took courage, faith in myself, faith in the universe, mindfulness, and a willingness to let go of old weight <literally>. I didn’t know it at the time, but my new path would be one of self discovery, self acceptance, gratitude, and eventually true happiness. I practice gratitude every day by acknowledging the good in my tiny space of the universe. Most days it’s the small moments that breathe life into my soul. I choose to find my happiness through new experiences #trysomethingnew, exploring my creative side, moving & being active, connecting with the people most important to me, and breathing in the present moment. I intend to regularly log my gratitude journal here. I hope it shines a bit of light in your space of the universe and maybe inspires you to inhale the present moment and exhale gratitude.
Xoxo, Shar
Tucson, AZ Canyon Ranch Tucson
Sanctuary Garden
Could not 💜 this more! Sometimes that reminder to be grateful for the small things is totally needed. Hugs to you and your mom!